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Services (3)

  • Prayer Gathering

    Join our powerful prayer gathering to experience a spiritual connection and positive energy. Open your heart and mind to receive blessings and guidance during this special event.

  • Individual Consultation

    Book a one-on-one consultation session to receive personalized guidance and support. Explore your spiritual journey and seek clarity on your path to spiritual growth and fulfillment.

  • Meditation Session

    Join our meditation session to relax your mind, body, and soul. Reconnect with your inner self and find peace and balance through guided meditation practices.

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Blog Posts (9)

  • Moving Forward As One

    We are reaching the end of the 95 county journey. Rep Monty Fritts started this journey on June 28 at Legislative Plaza and will complete his desire to pray in all 95 counties. You have been gracious to him in his journey. New friends have been made throughout by all in this amazing state. We have been so blessed with a beautiful state from forests full of magnificent trees, to pastures full of livestock, fields full of corn, cotton, soy, and even sunflowers, and rivers flowing across our great state of Tennessee that we harness electricity from them. But the true beauty is the people. You are the greatest asset of this state. We have met many of you face to face. Now it is time for Monty to return to his hometown and let you continue. Please don't let it end with just a prayer. Let's fully turn back to God who has blessed us in innumerable ways. Just start counting your blessings.... name them one by one. Let's take our heart of stone and let Jesus turn it into a heart of flesh ready and willing to be who we were designed to be. Walk out your Jeremiah 29:11 that you were formed for. Reach out to a lost world who is missing Jesus from their life and tell them all about the Savior. Reach out to the those who are struggling to make the paycheck last and offer more than a prayer. Never forget, we are to be Jesus' hands and feet on this earth, in this Tennessee, and in your counties. Jesus stopped along his journey to the cross to feed, heal, uplift, and befriend those along the way. So now let's move forward as one, The Church, transforming our Communities, our State, and our Nation. We as God's people already have the power to do it, we just needed to be reminded that the very Spirit of God lives in every believer. Don't hide the light of Jesus under cover, put it on a lampstand for all to see. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7. We have watched denomination walls broken down. We are The Church and we are being transformed. We look forward to the future our Lord has in store for us. " Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever." Eph 3:20 My what a journey across the greatest state in the country, Tennessee. A journey that has changed us and we believe will forever change our course in history. We hope to see you on Wednesday, July 31 at 6:30 pm in downtown Nashville at Legislative Plaza to celebrate what The Lord has done across our state. Bring a chair, an umbrella, cold water, and your grateful heart to praise our Savior and Lord.

  • Praying the 10 Commandments

    In Lewis County, one of the attendees came with the below prayer using the 10 Commandments as a template. With his permission I am posting. Also, please overlook my typos or grammatical errors in re-typing this. Lord, you are The Creator of The Universe and The Maker of all things. You own the cattle on a thousand hills. We are only the stewards of the things you have entrusted us with and we have not done a very good job of keeping those things well, including our State. Lord we call out to you today to repent and ask forgiveness for how we have lived as a people in our State and Country. In the 10 Commandments, you have given us instruction as to how we should live. In the First Commandment you said: That we should have no others gods beside you but many of us have many things in our lives that become as gods instead of You. We are to have no graven images but we have many things in our lives we worship and have turned them into images of our gods that have a higher place in our lives than You do. We are not to take Your Name in vain, but we do and say things every day that would make others think The Faith we confess is meaningless. We are to remember Your Day and keep it Holy. So, occasionally we go to church for an hour and think we have done You a favor and pleased You. Instead we have made a mockery of Your Name. We are to honor our father and mother and those in authority but instead we allow our children to live however they want and fail to discipline them in the name of self-esteem. We live the same way ourselves and wonder why the next generation has no respect for anyone or anything. Your Commandment says that we should not murder, so instead we called it choice and have taken the lives of 61 million innocent children in our nation since 1973, while at the same time we let murderers go free. Your Commandment says we are not to commit adultery but we have done more. We have made the marriage vow meaningless, we have redefined who is a man and who is a woman and desecrated the words "made in the image of God" by defiling our bodies with sexual immorality. Your Commandment says thou shalt not steal. We have done whatever it takes to get ahead at the expense of our neighbor and fellow man. We have allowed our government to waste, squander, and destroy our monetary system and steal from its people because government has become a reflection of what we have become as a people. Your Commandment says we are not to bear false witness. The biggest lie we tell before You, God, is when we try to convince ourselves that the way we are living, as a people, is OK and not offensive to You. Your Commandment says "thou shalt not covet", but all we want is more and more thing, including the possessions and labors of others. We are willing to sell our souls to the devil and do anything necessary for greater gain. We are overcome with greed. Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Lord, this is exactly what we have done and become as a people. Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Amen

  • Pour on more steam.....

    The Lord God Almighty is moving across Tennessee. So, pour on more steam in prayer please. Throw more coal in the revival fire. Let's put the enemy on the run in our state. Please look at the schedule for prayer gatherings ahead. Pray over them. Please call anyone you know in the remaining counties. People are weeping. They are on their knees. Public officials are publicly professing sins of omission and acknowledging their need to repent. God is moving. Somebody in our churches is praying and the Lord must be inclining His ear. A County Executive in Lawrence County preached a concise and powerful message at their town square. They gathered there 30 minutes early just to get a seat close. When I got there 30 minutes early, a man was on his knees praying over the place before we all gathered. Rep. Capley and Sen. Walley brought powerful calls for repentance. Lake County, with a reported total population of approximately 5000 had 50 or more at the courthouse on Tuesday. Their state rep, Rusty Grills, was moved as he read the resolution then the pastors spoke and prayed for repentance. Wow. Rep Cepicky is captured in a CBN story video clip. Powerful reading of 803...God's people! In Madison County it was full on church Monday. Shouts of hallelujah and amen from those in attendance. The pastors there are calling "keep on praying". Full on street preaching there. A big CBN article mentioned this gathering. Claiborne County closed down the street and made t shirts to get the message out. Wow. Hawkins County laid hands on their public servants and prayed over them. This has not been rare in these gatherings. Cocke County was an intense on our hands and knees in the courthouse plea for God Almighty to move. Those ladies in Cocke County know how to pray. Wow. County Mayors who could not make the gatherings called and thanked us for praying over their county. Wow! Henry County pressed the rain aside and gathered. Tandy and I were taken by the move of the Spirit that day. Church leaders are offering their sanctuary for later meetings. Wow. Obion County powerfully praying at their courthouse. It seemed like church. Washington County closed down the street in Jonesborough and put up billboards and yard signs calling people to gather. Wow! Sullivan County closed down the street. State public servants spoke and people cried out to God Almighty. Wow! Marshall County the Sheriffs Office Chaplain brought a powerful word of repentance. State Rep Warner brought a powerful call for Jesus. A dear lady prayed and claimed Jesus over the county and state. Wow! Roane and Loudon County gathered at historic courthouses and prayed. Many pastors brought a word of repentance and prayed for our sin sick land. We met a second time in Lewis County. People seem thirsty for repentance and openly call for such. It only takes a remnant. A man prayed the 10 Commandments and our need to repent over our state. Hickman County had an impressive turnout in sweltering heat. A gentleman who had moved from New Zealand and others prayed powerfully. The County Exec issued a proclamation supporting this movement. Wow. Jefferson County in the blistering midday sun heard prayer from long time citizens and those who immigrated here. Powerful calls for a turn back to God Almighty. Grainger County Exec led the gathering in the courthouse due to the rain. A local pastor left vacation to be a part of the gathering. Good and gracious folks embraced the gathering. Every county has a unique personality in both their courthouse and their approach. ...and so much more. What a journey! Denominations haven't been an issue. Jesus has been the focus and repentance the objective. People have laid on hands and prayed over one another. There have been a couple enemy attacks. The Lord seemed to stop the first one it its tracks and only left the persons offering the apparent attack giggling at God's people as God's people lifted up cries to Him. We have identified a couple strongholds but are confident that the Lord will dispatch His troops. The moment is urgent, I believe. I am full of energy. Pray that God Almighty will send His words and Holy Spirit to loosen the stiff neck and soften the hard hearts. Start with me Lord! Thank y'all for praying. I will be back in Roane County for some of weekend and then back on the road next week. If we make it through the schedule we will have visited 43 counties by close of business this Saturday. We are praying that the Lord claim each of these counties and our state as His... and place them under His blessing again. Rep Monty

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