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Praying the 10 Commandments

In Lewis County, one of the attendees came with the below prayer using the 10 Commandments as a template. With his permission I am posting. Also, please overlook my typos or grammatical errors in re-typing this.

Lord, you are The Creator of The Universe and The Maker of all things. You own the cattle on a thousand hills. We are only the stewards of the things you have entrusted us with and we have not done a very good job of keeping those things well, including our State.

Lord we call out to you today to repent and ask forgiveness for how we have lived as a people in our State and Country. In the 10 Commandments, you have given us instruction as to how we should live. In the First Commandment you said:

  1. That we should have no others gods beside you but many of us have many things in our lives that become as gods instead of You.

  2. We are to have no graven images but we have many things in our lives we worship and have turned them into images of our gods that have a higher place in our lives than You do.

  3. We are not to take Your Name in vain, but we do and say things every day that would make others think The Faith we confess is meaningless.

  4. We are to remember Your Day and keep it Holy. So, occasionally we go to church for an hour and think we have done You a favor and pleased You. Instead we have made a mockery of Your Name.

  5. We are to honor our father and mother and those in authority but instead we allow our children to live however they want and fail to discipline them in the name of self-esteem. We live the same way ourselves and wonder why the next generation has no respect for anyone or anything.

  6. Your Commandment says that we should not murder, so instead we called it choice and have taken the lives of 61 million innocent children in our nation since 1973, while at the same time we let murderers go free.

  7. Your Commandment says we are not to commit adultery but we have done more. We have made the marriage vow meaningless, we have redefined who is a man and who is a woman and desecrated the words "made in the image of God" by defiling our bodies with sexual immorality.

  8. Your Commandment says thou shalt not steal. We have done whatever it takes to get ahead at the expense of our neighbor and fellow man. We have allowed our government to waste, squander, and destroy our monetary system and steal from its people because government has become a reflection of what we have become as a people.

  9. Your Commandment says we are not to bear false witness. The biggest lie we tell before You, God, is when we try to convince ourselves that the way we are living, as a people, is OK and not offensive to You.

  10. Your Commandment says "thou shalt not covet", but all we want is more and more thing, including the possessions and labors of others. We are willing to sell our souls to the devil and do anything necessary for greater gain. We are overcome with greed.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Lord, this is exactly what we have done and become as a people. Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.


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1 Comment

Kim Fort
Kim Fort
Jul 24

I absolutely love this.

I believe ever state across our nation needs to do this.

I also believe every state needs to follow suit of Louisiana and put the 10 commandments in every school and at every capital building.

I feel we all need to do our part. I'm committing myself to prayer, fasting and meditation for the month of July.

If there's anything else I can do to help, please reach out to me. I want to be involved in anyway I can.

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