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Moving Forward As One

We are reaching the end of the 95 county journey. Rep Monty Fritts started this journey on June 28 at Legislative Plaza and will complete his desire to pray in all 95 counties. You have been gracious to him in his journey. New friends have been made throughout by all in this amazing state. We have been so blessed with a beautiful state from forests full of magnificent trees, to pastures full of livestock, fields full of corn, cotton, soy, and even sunflowers, and rivers flowing across our great state of Tennessee that we harness electricity from them. But the true beauty is the people. You are the greatest asset of this state. We have met many of you face to face.

Now it is time for Monty to return to his hometown and let you continue. Please don't let it end with just a prayer. Let's fully turn back to God who has blessed us in innumerable ways. Just start counting your blessings.... name them one by one.

Let's take our heart of stone and let Jesus turn it into a heart of flesh ready and willing to be who we were designed to be. Walk out your Jeremiah 29:11 that you were formed for. Reach out to a lost world who is missing Jesus from their life and tell them all about the Savior. Reach out to the those who are struggling to make the paycheck last and offer more than a prayer. Never forget, we are to be Jesus' hands and feet on this earth, in this Tennessee, and in your counties. Jesus stopped along his journey to the cross to feed, heal, uplift, and befriend those along the way. So now let's move forward as one, The Church, transforming our Communities, our State, and our Nation. We as God's people already have the power to do it, we just needed to be reminded that the very Spirit of God lives in every believer. Don't hide the light of Jesus under cover, put it on a lampstand for all to see. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7. We have watched denomination walls broken down. We are The Church and we are being transformed.

We look forward to the future our Lord has in store for us. " Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever." Eph 3:20

My what a journey across the greatest state in the country, Tennessee. A journey that has changed us and we believe will forever change our course in history.

We hope to see you on Wednesday, July 31 at 6:30 pm in downtown Nashville at Legislative Plaza to celebrate what The Lord has done across our state. Bring a chair, an umbrella, cold water, and your grateful heart to praise our Savior and Lord.

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