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Join us in Praying for Almighty God to heal our State.

Are you concerned about out State of Tennessee? If so, we invite you to join your Christian brothers and sisters throughout the month of July to follow 2 Chronicles 7:14. Humble yourself before Almighty God, pray and seek HIS face, and turn from your wicked ways. God promises He will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and heal our land.

Throughout the month of July 2024, we will be hosting gatherings in all 95 counties.

We will start on June 28, 2024 in Nashville at Legislative Plaza at 11:30 CST. All Christians are invited to join together in corporate prayer to God.

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Thank you for putting forth the absolute most important thing we can do for our state, as well as our country! We are a broken people in desperate need of saving! Only the Lord Jesus can heal our hearts and our land. We must fear him before man and honor the word of God. One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess He is Lord. Thank you for doing this!

Kristin Anderson


This is exactly what we need for the people in our state! Thank you for organizing this. Now we need to get the word out and pray. Jesus Christ has been given ALL authority, being the exact image of the Father, being Himself God. We pray to Him because He is the answer.

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