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Intercessors/Prayer Warriors

We know that the Lord will lead you in what He would have you pray.  Here are some suggestions to get you started.

Just remember Satan isn't going to just lay down and stop attacking.  Expect him to attack so please spend time everyday interceding for all of Tennessee.

Let's pour out our prayers before a Holy God who never sleeps or slumbers.  He hears every prayer His people say. 

Prayer Suggestions:

  • Protection against the plans of the enemy and any potential interference and/or retaliation for leaders, pastors, churches, individuals, and families who are uniting in Tennessee to repent and seek His face.

  • That the words, heart, understanding, and logistics for the call to action will get to every pastor, leader, and believer who will participate and also those who can help spread it to all in Tennessee.

  • That the Lord will send a Spirit of Repentance to this state and to every believer and even to those who do not yet know Jesus as Savior.

  • That the Lord will grant His people both a willing heart to humble themselves before Him and boldness to proclaim Him before others.

  • That the Holy Spirit will move powerfully in the midst of every congregation and family in Tennessee.

  • That hosts of God's angel armies will do all the battle necessary in the spiritual realm.

  • That the father of all lies and accuser of the brethren will have his mouth clamped shut - like The Lord shut the mouths of the lions in the den with Daniel- and be unable to work where we are moving with the Spirit of the Lord now in Tennessee

  • That the Lord will give the exact words from His heart to every pastor and person speaking about this and not allow any other opinions of man to pollute the call for repentance.

  • That the Lord will prepare the heart and minds of thousands to hear, to understand, and to be ready to repent and shift from the life they have been living to daily pursuing Jesus as their first love.

  • That God's people recognize the things that they are "cherishing and/or justifying" that God calls sin. That once identified we release the sin to Jesus who takes it away, removes all shame and guilt, and remembers it no more.  Once we let go of the sin, we have no desire to look back to it but only keep our eyes on Jesus.

  • That each person experiences deeply the love of God Almighty. That they see themselves standing before His Righteousness and then turn from selfish will and toward His perfect will.

  • That the body of Christ will accept His coordinated plan for them, embracing unity around The Gospel and the authority of His Word.

  • That God's people have a new understanding of how to reach the lost and spread The Gospel of Jesus to all.

  • That we will know how to address, speak to, and deal with all the things we will be "hit with" that are outside of His Word and His Will by giving us new wisdom and insights that come straight from Him to overcome all of satan's deceptions.

  • That with repentance, we receive a cleansed heart and mind, desiring to become all He wants us to be by fulfilling our God designed destinies and bringing forth the destiny of Tennessee as a result.

  • That those leading the way will have a shield of protection for themselves and their families, stamina and health to continue the journey set before them, and to daily submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

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