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HJR 803

The 113th General Assembly passed in both Houses
HJR (House Joint Resolution) 803
calling the State of Tennessee 
into a time of prayer and fasting for the month of July.

29 Representatives & 12 Senators are listed as sponsors.

March 4, 2024 - 82 Representatives voted in the affirmative.
April 8, 2024 - 27 Senators voted in the affirmative.

HJR 803 was signed by Governor Bill Lee on April 16, 2024.


Video Reading


Pray4 TN

About HJR803:

In 2023, Representative Monty Fritts was led by the Holy Spirit to develop a Resolution to present before the 113th General Assembly to ask God to Help.  

There was no legislation that could be offered and no financial incentives offered by the Legislature to ultimately help with all the issues in our State.  After doing research as to how many of our founding fathers called upon calling out to the most high God for help because there was no where else to turn. 

Rep Fritts asked several local pastors to assist with developing the Resolution.  

While there could be pages of issues which needs the Divine help of Almighty God a smaller list was developed.

The list included:

Violence committed upon our citizens

Violence committed by our citizens

Violent crimes in our schools

Human Trafficking

Drug addiction 

Deadly Fentanyl

Driving Under the Influence

Children in foster care

Broken homes in Tennessee

Corruption in government

Then a section of "Be It Resolved" prescribed the period of July 1, 2024 through
July 31, 2024 be recognized as a time of prayer and fasting in Tennessee. The "Be It Resolved" statements recognize God for who He is, the Creator and King of all Glory who has the authority to judge and to bless nations and states.  The statements asks the Lord Jesus to heal our land, and remove the violence, addiction, and corruption.  

Senator Mark Pody asked to carry the Resolution to the Senate for their consideration. He felt like Rep Fritts, the only hope we have to resolve our issues is for God's people to humbly bow before God, repenting of our sins, and asking Him to resolve our issues and help us.

Please read the complete HJR803 for a complete understanding of what both Houses of the General Assembly along with the Governor has agreed to. 

All My Stories

Blog Posts


Tennessee Stands - The General Assembly passed HJR 803 calling churches across the state to prayer and repentance.

Rep. Monty Fritts talks with Gary Humble of the Tennessee Stands about HJR 803

Senator Mark Pody -
Senate Sponsor of HRJ 803

Sen. Pody explains why HJR 803 and invites you to the kick-off on June 28 and encourages everyone to pray and fast in July.

Roane County Prayer Event - July 1

Video of Roane County Prayer Event - Monday July 1, 2024

Reading of HJR 803

Reading of HJR 803 by believers along with additional words of encouragement.

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